A New "Man"

A New "Man"

Devoted Servitude 5 Humble Pie #2 


🙏 10


Today you will learn to always put Your Divine Ruler before yourself. Everything a servant does is for the benefit of Your Divine Ruler. My happiness will be your top priority.

To be a productive servant you need to develop a complete understanding of humility and selflessness. It may come as a surprise to you that I actively encourage My snowflakes to have very successful, productive and happy lives. Being a Financial Dominatrix means that your success equals My success. You want Your Divine Ruler to be successful don’t you sweet little snowflake? The reason I am training you is to not only control your dick, it to also control your finances. Lack of motivation for success means lack of money for Me, rendering you useless to Me. Do you want to be useless to Your Divine Ruler? When I tell you to work hard, you will work hard. When I tell you to work overtime, you will work overtime. When I tell you to progress in your career, you will progress in your career. You will be your very best self for ME.





I want you to do some positive planning by thinking of ways to get a promotion or a better job. Think of ways you can increase your income and ways to give up bad habits that waste your time and MY money. Clear out the clutter in your life for My benefit.

I will make you a better person. A kinder, smarter, fitter more ambitious, richer man. I will make you do your very best to live up to your true potential – not for your own benefit, but for Your Divine Ruler. Because when you become better for her, you become a prize devotee.





Tonight before you go to sleep your Divine Ruler wants you to undress completely.


Turn on my soothing submission sounds and play it at a light volume between 25%-35% volume and never over 50% volume. Make yourself comfortable before My shrine and make sure that you have 0 distractions, you will be on your knees snowflake.


Todays photo should be ready on your phone or printed out. Place it in My shrine. Kneel before it. I must ALWAYS be above your head. In prayer pose stare up into my eyes deeply for 5 minutes. Take deep breaths and clear your mind. Think of me and your journey and of how blessed you are to be my devoted servant. Allow my power to overtake you. After 5 minutes close your eyes, bow your head, forehead touching the floor, arms extended over your head, palms face down on the floor. (Yogas child’s pose)


Take one last deep breath and release. Repeat this prayer out loud


Humility Prayer
My Divine Ruler,
I promise I will work harder and contribute to Your wealth,
I promise to be a successful and ambitious servant,
I am here for You to use me how you see fit,
Everything cent I make is Your money.


Take a long look at yourself in the mirror. Appreciate yourself, do not let any form of negativity enter your mind no matter what! Your Divine Ruler has accepted you into her training to become Her devoted servant. Give thanks for the token that you have been gifted. Give your balls a light tap, just enough to feel slight pain and say “Thank you for this encouragement Divine Ruler” then go to bed.


You will not orgasm. You will not get relief. Remember what you have learned today.


Memorize this prayer. Say it out loud throughout your day tomorrow. Repeat it with me as you listen along to me serenading this prayer to you once every hour until your next ritual. It’s on my YouTube channel.


Tweet that you have been a good snowflake and said your prayers. This will serve as your digital diary to your Divine Ruler as she expects an offering from you daily to appease he appetite for cleansing you of your unworthy ego.


-Your Divine Ruler, Ororo Snow

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